PR-1590 is a medium hardness potting and molding compound. It has a service temperature range from -80°F (-62°C) to 300°F (149°C). This material is designed for applications where high retention of electrical properties after exposure to high humidity and temperature is required.
PR-1590 is a two-part, chemically curing polyurethane compound. The product requires elevated temperature for cure to obtain optimal performance properties.
Technical Data Sheet for PR-1590 (pdf)
Potting/Molding Application Guide (pdf)
PWA-SP36472 | RBO-120-061 | STM 0891 |
Standard PackagingCollapse/Expand
PR-1590 comes in the following packaged configuration:
- Two-Part Can Kit packaged with part A and part B pre-measured into separate containers.
- 40 fl. oz. Unit - Part A in a 1 pt. can and Part B in a 1 qt. can
- Premixed and Frozen (PMF) - Pre-measured mixed material and frozen at extreme low temperature (also shipped and stored frozen). PMF material is the most convenient package configuration for high usage applications, simply thaw and use.
- PMF 11-1/4 fl. oz. of sealant in a 12 oz. cartridge
- PMF 5-3/4 fl. oz. of sealant in a 6 oz. cartridge
- Other packaging configurations may be available.
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Specification information provided for reference purpose only. Review specification QPL for verification or consult with engineering services.