Semco Model 850 Manual Dispensing Gun

Semco Model 850 gun with 6 oz. cartridge

A hand-operated, high quality dispensing gun designed to accept Semco® disposable cartridges or Semkit® packages. Excellent for the “in-field” application of sealants, adhesives and other materials. The ratchet handle is made of metal for tough, durable, long-term use. The threaded retainer provides a tight fit into the ratchet handle, permitting uninterrupted operation. The threaded retainer also allows for quick and easy replacement of cartridges. Custom size retainers accommodate Semco 1, 2-1/2, 6, 8, 12, 20, 32 oz., and 1/10 gal. disposable cartridges. The retainers are available in metal or plastic.

Part # Description
231556 Model 850-1P gun assembly
221824 Model 850-2.5M gun assembly
221828 Model 850-6P gun assembly
221830 Model 850-6M gun assembly
221832 Model 850-8M gun assembly
221836 Model 850-12M gun assembly
230273 Model 850-1/10P gun assembly
230274 Model 850-20M gun assembly
234054 Model 850-32M gun assembly

All sizes of Model 850 guns are in stock

Shipping Details

Technical Data Sheet (pdf) on the Model 850 hand-operated gun

For more information about these products contact Bergdahl Associates, Inc.