PR-1665 Cryogenic Adhesive


PR-1665 is a high tear and tensile strength cryogenic potting and molding compound. It has a service temperature range from -320°F (-196°C) to 225°F (107°C), with intermittent excursions up to 275°F (121°C). This material is designed for applications exposed to cryogenic temperatures where high flexibility and strength are required. PR-1665 is a two-part, chemically curing polyurethane compound. The product contains no fillers, solvents, plasticizers or MBOCA (4,4’-methylene- bis-(2-chloroaniline))*. The material may be extended with metal and/or inorganic fillers to enhance rheological, mechanical or electrical performance properties for a wide variety of applications.
Technical Data Sheet for PR-1665 (pdf)

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Specification information provided for reference purpose only. Review specification QPL for verification or consult with engineering services.